Mr. Naasz played football and was part of the state championship team in 2008.
1.) What activities/functions did you participate in at LHS?
When I was in high school I participated in Football and Basketball all 4 years. I also played Baseball and ran Track for a year.
2.) Do you still participate in any of these activities? (If yes which ones and how so)?
I coach Football, Basketball, and Track/Field here at LHS.
4.) What is the most memorable moment from your high school years?
Being a part of the State Football Championship in 2008 was a very memorable moment for me. Seeing everybody gather around the Football team and show 100% support was awesome.
5.) What year did you graduate?
I graduated in 2012.
6.) What has changed the most at school from when you graduated to now?
THE PHONES! Back when I was in school if a teacher saw you with a phone they snagged it. Now you can have them out in the halls and text while passing…
7.) Which subject/teacher had the biggest impact on your life?
Coach Jaws had the biggest impact on me. He was my position coach in high school and always pushed me to get better. He has been someone I go to for questions and advice when need be.
8.) Did you ever think you would come back to LHS as a teacher?
After high school I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I realized rather quickly how much I missed athletics and competition. Once I figured out what I wanted to do, I knew I wanted to come back to LHS.
9.) What was your favorite thing about being a student at LHS?
My favorite thing about being a student at LHS had to be how much school pride everybody showed. When it came to athletics the stands were always full and packed when playing our city rivals and it was something we looked forward to. Another thing I loved was how much the teachers cared for their students.
10.) What is your favorite thing about being a teacher at LHS?
My favorite thing about being a teacher at LHS is being able to build relationships with the students and the athletes that roam the halls. My teachers and coaches made such an impact on my life and I am excited that I get the chance to do the same.