November Students of the Month
The LHS Nov. 2019 Students of the Month pose for pictures.
Tristan Halverson (9)
What are you thankful for (besides the honor of being a Student of the Month)?
“[I’m thankful for] my new house that [was] built last December.”
What is your favorite activity to do over Thanksgiving/Winter break?
“Sleep in.”
Emma Madeja (9)
What are you thankful for (besides the honor of being a Student of the Month)?
“I am thankful for having a loving family and amazing friends.”
What is your favorite activity to do over Thanksgiving/Winter break?
“I like to spend time with my family and hang out with friends while watching Christmas movies.”
Recently some people have wanted to shake up the traditional Thanksgiving meal, often getting rid of the turkey entirely. Are you pro-turkey or anti-turkey?
“I am neither pro turkey nor anti-turkey. It can be great but you have to be in the mood, so I am playing both sides for this argument.”
Kadin Groen (10)
What are you thankful for (besides the honor of being a Student of the Month)?
“I’m thankful for my family and my friends. I am also thankful for our cross-team because we have a lot of fun running (I’m also thankful for running).”
What is your favorite activity to do over Thanksgiving/Winter break?
“Relax! Take a break from schoolwork, and just chill. If there is snow then I will 100% be skiing. On my breaks in the winter skiing with my friends is the main priority.”
Pro/con turkey?
“Pro turkey for sure. Turkey is only good once a year, so I believe it deserves its [own] special day. Also, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie are must-haves to complete a top tier Thanksgiving meal. It would be a sin to get rid of the turkey.”
Anne Sprecher (10)
What are you thankful for (besides the honor of being a Student of the Month)?
“[I’m thankful for] family, the ability to go to school, friends, and most importantly, my dogs!”
What is your favorite activity to do over Thanksgiving/Winter break?
“My favorite activities [are] sleeping, Black Friday shopping and spending time with my family.”
Preston Koski (11)
What is your favorite activity to do over Thanksgiving/Winter break?
“Sledding with my cousins and eating good food.”
Pro/con turkey?
“I have heard of ideas like turducken or ham as the main food. Turkey is a staple and I think it needs to be present in any Thanksgiving feast. But you can do whatever.”
Taeya Freeman (11)
Is there a lot of pressure as Student of the Month? If so, how have you coped with it?
“My mom has been freaking out, but otherwise nobody has said anything.”
Pro/con turkey?
“Gobble gobble.”
Brian Kangley (12)
What are you thankful for (besides the honor of being a Student of the Month)?
I’m thankful for the friends I’ve met and had. They are responsible [for] making me who I am today.”
Pro/con turkey?
“If I’m honest, I have no opinion on turkey. It’s alright, but I genuinely would not care if people got rid of it. I believe we should get rid of turkey and perhaps replace it with something better.”
Genna Sheriff (12)
What is your favorite activity to do over Thanksgiving/Winter break?
“[Watching] Netflix and hanging out with my friends. I also like to travel and spend time relaxing without worrying about school.”
Pro/con turkey?
“Anti-turkey for sure. I’m not a fan.”

Slater Dixon is a senior and this is his second year on the Statesman staff. When he is not exposing the seedy, corrupt underbelly of LHS through hard-hitting...