BuzzFeed or buzzkill?
Photo provided by BuzzFeed Press.
BuzzFeed is a multi-media company headquartered in New York City.
February 5, 2018
Their addicting quizzes, articles and videos have skyrocketed to popularity, accumulating an empire of super-obsessive fans. However, is BuzzFeed ruining journalism?
Most likely not the most reliable source on the internet, BuzzFeed´s many fans turn to the site as their news source without giving it much thought. I too am guilty of taking a quiz and immediately seeing an interesting article about something intriguing. These days, many Americans are seeking more news than ever, most likely in response to the rather controversial and rocky start to Trump’s presidency. The average American does not read the paper anymore, instead, they turn to the internet, with an endless array of websites to choose from, simply because it’s much more efficient than pulling out a paper and reading through it.
These days, Americans want quick and easily accessible news. Quality is no longer a priority, so people choose to stay informed through in the form of the ever-popular BuzzFeed. The articles posted to the website rarely contain quotes or evidence of any kind to support their ideas. I for one, have a hard time putting my trust in a journalist that doesn´t support their ideas by any evidence. How do I know that this is the truth? I (we) need our news to be truthful, especially in today’s age. The last thing we need now is to be lied to. The news is meant to inform, not to fool.
The fact of the matter is that BuzzFeed is not a news site, but rather a form of entertainment. There is nothing wrong with enjoying quizzes predicting what type of pasta you are, or reading an article titled ¨19 Insider Secrets We Learned About Being Famous On Instagram.¨ However, the next time you catch yourself hovering over a BuzzFeed news article, remember the reason for news in the first place.