Puppies: one husky load?


Cameron Rhode

Cameron Rhode’s puppy, Reece. He is 6 weeks old and was born in Rock Rapids, Iowa.

Cameron Rhode, Business Manager

Puppies: baby dogs, tiny and fluffy and viewed by many as the cutest creature in the world.

While cute, puppies come with baggage. Puppies need constant attention which, when underprepared, makes owners like LHS English teacher Mr. Pastrano begin to get a bit of buyer’s remorse.

“[Puppies] are really high maintenance,” said Pastrano. “It’s not a negative, because as people we’re high maintenance. [Puppies] just depend on the timing. My wife and I have a three-year-old, so him plus a puppy was bad news bears.”

Although a puppy may need constant attention and to be taken outside almost every hour, men and women alike are still lured into canine ownership. Some of the reasons dog owners adopt puppies are: to rescue them, to have a loyal companion or all of the above. 

Cameron Rhode
Reece at 10 weeks old. Reece enjoys long walks to the park and taking naps at home.

“[I got a puppy] really for the companionship,” said Pastrano. “They always say they’re man’s best friend. They are cute and they are fun to play with. [Dogs] are kind of like children in the sense there is a lot to learn. If you get a good puppy, there is that sense of loyalty to you and the family.”

New owners often look past the chores that it takes to own a pet. Puppies are still new to the world when owners regularly adopt them at about eight weeks old; dog lover and LHS English teacher Aubrey Windish loves almost everything about dogs.

“I love adorable things to take care of and puppies need a good home,” said Windish. “I love that puppies are kinda clumsy, and everything is new to them. My dog is almost seven, and yet when she discovers something new, it’s like the most amazing thing in the world. One simple thing like a treat makes them so happy. What’s not to love about puppies?”

Few canine owners love puppies for everything they do; Windish is among the majority.

“I do not like how puppies are naughty,” said Windish. “They are like toddlers, they cannot be left alone for any moment otherwise they get into trouble. If food is on the counter, they’re gonna try and get it. ‘What’s this I’ll chew it? What’s this I’ll pee on it?’ That is the life of the puppy.”

Puppies continue to affect the lives of owners all around the globe; those puppies bring joy to their owners.


Correction: 12/03/18

A previous version had a few grammatical errors, they had been fixed.