Come on down! Let’s visit Flavortown!

LHS senior, Nolan Schneider and WHS senior, Dan Kelly, members of Flavortown

Have you ever wanted to have your tastebuds rocked while listening to music? LHS senior Nolan Schneider and friend Dan Kelly are able to make that happen.

Schneider has an eye for the arts and visits multiple mediums. Painting, drawing, music, sculpting. He participates in all of those activities at LHS and carries them outside of the classroom as well. Currently, in the class Painting II, he is painting one of his good friends John Gregg in a photo taken by the Big Sioux River. Schneider also has multiple other hobbies outside of art and truly knows how to kick back and relax.

“[Playing the] drums, drawing, video games, movies, TV shows, ‘booling’ and McChickens [are some of my hobbies],” said Schneider.

Flavortown is the name of a duo he started with his friend Kelly after a previous band they started failed known as Unlimited Breadsticks. Schneider and Kelly are planning on making and releasing some future projects with Flavortown.

“I’m in a music duo; I don’t know if I’d call it a band,” said Schneider. “[I’ve been in] Flavortown for three years, but Dan and I have been making music for about five.”

Inspiration always comes from somewhere and people like to make similar music to their favorite artists who influence them. Schneider listens to quite a lot to create the genre of their discography.

“[I listen to] a little bit of everything. A little bit of rock and roll, a little bit of heavy metal, a little bit of rap, a little bit of EDM. That kind of thing,” said Schneider.

Art to many people might just be something that looks pretty, but looking at the finer details and even beyond the picture itself is important to understanding a phenomenal piece.

“I guess you could say I’m a pretty artistic fellow,” said Schneider. “I think art is pretty cool because you can just make something and it is whatever you want it to be. I think it’s cool that there is nothing objective about it.”

To end the year, many people celebrated with their favorite memes of 2018. Schneider was one of those people. Out of all the memes he could have picked, he decided to pick one all the way back from the year 2012.

“Oooooh, I’m gonna have to say top text, bottom text Grumpy Cat memes.