December students of the month
The December students of the month pose for photos.

Ari Wells (9)
What are your plans for winter break?
“I celebrate down in Sioux City with my dad’s side of the family on December 24, and then as a family, we celebrate at home and play games. After that, my family and I go to the Black Hills to celebrate with my mom’s side of the family.”
What is your spirit animal?
“I would say a dog. Not only do I think they are adorable and would like one someday, but most importantly they are loyal and will always stick by your side. To me, those qualities are very important and I strive to have those qualities.”
Elliott Renville (9)

What are your plans for winter break?
“I am going to my dad’s for most of winter break. I am meeting my sister at my dad’s house as well. I have not seen her for two years now, and I am very excited to see her.”
What is your spirit animal?
“My spirit animal has changed over the years, but my spirit animal now would be a bear. The reason for this is because of the freedom they have. Also, bears are tall and I am too.”

Lila Batcheller (10)
What are your plans for winter break?
“To sleep, run and do homework.”
What is your spirit animal?
“A koala.”

Jersey Olszewski (10)
What are your plans for winter break?
“Watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music and visiting family in Wisconsin.”
What is your spirit animal?
“Probably a platypus.”

Lauren VanerEsch (11)
What are your plans for winter break?
“My plans for winter break are pretty boring, but there is a chance I’ll go to Minneapolis. Otherwise, the break will mostly consist of fluffy socks and staying inside.”
What is your spirit animal?
“A rabbit?”

Ty Schafer (11)
What are your plans for winter break?
What is your spirit animal?

Mckenzie Young (12)
What are your plans for winter break?
“Spending time with my family and friends and sleeping.”
What is your spirit animal?
“A cheetah.”

Dayne Bartels (12)
What are your plans for winter break?
What is your spirit animal?

Genna Sheriff is a senior at LHS and one of four Co-Editors-in-Chief of the Statesman. Along with writing for the Statesman, she is involved in other activities...