Get it all out


Ella Grimm

Journaling can be a perfect way to say everything without telling anyone anything.

A few years ago I was going through some immense family issues. My dad pulled me aside and explained that he thought it would be beneficial if I attended a therapist. Sometimes telling someone your whole, authentic feelings can be intimidating, but getting those thoughts out is crucial to being happy and successful. Understanding that all people go through trials and tribulations during their life is usually a difficult thing to expect. Throughout my high school years there’s one thing that stands out to me, and that is the value in independent journaling.

Journaling can be a perfect way to say everything without telling anyone anything. It is all about honesty with yourself and your stance in life. Looking back on your past journals can help motivate you for the future knowing that you have come such a long way. 

According to Kasee Bailey from Intermountain healthcare, “Journaling is an incredible stress management tool, a good-for-you habit that lessens the impact of physical stressors on your health.”

Bailey explains that not only can independent journalism encourage good mental health habits, but it can also dynamically change your physical health. 

“Journaling helps keep your brain in tip-top shape. Not only does it boost memory and comprehension, it also increases working memory capacity, which may reflect improved cognitive processing,” said Bailey.

The positive cognitive effects of independent journaling is impressive. Developing these habits can help challenge yourself to work your brain in a consistent manner each day.

“It can make us more aware and help us detect sneaky, unhealthy patterns in our thoughts and behaviors. It allows us to take more control over our lives and puts things in perspective,” states  Courtney E. Ackerman from Positive Psychology.

As a fellow LHS student, I strongly encourage you to write out your thoughts, experiences and memories to benefit yourself and the ways you interact with others. Challenge yourself to develop these simple skills before taking bigger steps in the future. Trust me when I say you will thank yourself for it.