A guide to the perfect Easter basket

To elevate your Easter basket, decorate it and make it look nice.
April 13, 2022
It is April, and you know what that means: National Gopher Tortoise Day. In more serious news, Easter is coming up. Easter is the perfect holiday to spend with family and friends, soaking up the spring weather and cooking up a big ham, but it is also known for the baskets of goodies exchanged between loved ones. For those struggling to devise a plan for their baskets, here is a guide. But seriously, National Gopher Tortoise Day is a thing, and it is April 10.
1. Something fun
To start off the basket, you have got to have something fun. Tailor it to the recipient, making it something they will like. Make sure this item is not a necessity or practical; this item must be purely for fun. Examples: disposable camera, fun glasses (not ones that actually block the sun or help your vision) and roller skates (which are fun for the giver, too, as they can watch the recipient wobble and fall).
2. Beauty/hygiene product
Everybody likes to feel put together and clean, so why not put those products in an Easter basket? Examples: makeup, lotion or perfume and nail polish.
3. Something to wear
From clothing to accessories, an item that you can wear is a must in an Easter basket. It doubles as an exciting gift and a sensible, useful item. Examples: socks (they are not a bad gift; they do not deserve the hate they receive), jewelry and clothes.
4. Something practical
Save your Easter basket recipient a future hassle by buying something they need anyway. Not only will this save them a future trip to the store and a bad mood, but it will take up space in your basket. Examples: water bottle (Hydro Flask for bonus points), nice pens or pencils and a phone case.
5. Candy
This one is non negotiable. Every Easter basket must contain at least a handful of good candy. Examples: chocolate of any kind, Peeps (festive for Easter) and skittles.