Give > Get

Used with Permission by Creative Commons/Marc Elliott

It’s the season of giving and volunteer work is needed in Sioux Falls. Find ways to give back to the community.

Ella DuBois, Staff Writer

It is that time of year again, the season of giving. It’s about spreading joy throughout the world. The holiday season may consist of parties, gifts, family gatherings and more but everyone should try and put in a few hours to give back. Here are seven ways you can this year:

1. Adopt a Family – Sponsor a low income family during the holiday season. Contact Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services or Salvation Army to sign up. Purchase necessities that are on their wishlist and drop the gift off at any location. 

2. Donate clothes – Lewis Drug takes gently used coats, and they are distributed to children through the Salvation Army. Hospitality houses such as the Bishop Dudley House are in need of new socks and sweatshirts for visitors.

3. Donate to charity – Pick a charity organization such as the Ronald McDonald House, Salvation Army and many more. Make the donation that feels right to you. Any amount of money donated makes a difference. Also, grocery stores around Sioux Falls have Salvation Army bell ringers with buckets for shoppers to drop in some money.

4. Help at the Banquet – The Banquet is in need of volunteers to help serve meals to the homeless at both Sioux Falls locations. You can help serve or make breakfast, lunch or dinner during a time that works for you. If you are unable to serve, food and money donations are appreciated. 

5. Buy gifts for children – Many children don’t get to have the experience of unwrapping a gift on Christmas. Purchase a toy and drop it off at the Salvation Army “Angel Tree” in the Empire Mall. Gifts range from $50-$100.

6. Donate to homeless shelters – Homeless people are in need of shampoo, body wash, deodorant and other hygiene products. The Bishop Dudley’s website states that they are in need of lotion, foot powder, toilet paper, women’s and men’s underwear, bras, jeans, sweatshirts, shoes, jackets, towels and washcloths. 

7. Help at the humane society – Animals need love during this season. Visit the humane society and play with the animals. Also, donations of food, treats, toys, office supplies and other pet items are needed, according to the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society’s website.