Fall college commit: Mali Van Meeteren
Used with Permission by Mali Van Meeteren
Senior Mali Van Meeteren will be playing soccer for USD next fall.
December 20, 2022
With the fall sports seasons coming to an end, it brings the question of what is next for the seniors completing their last game or meet. Some will “retire” from the sport that has consumed their thoughts and time and some will continue to pursue their passion in college. Mali Van Meeteren has stuck with her passion since the beginning, with no intention of stopping anytime soon.
Students may relate to the narrative that parents put their children in a sport for enjoyment and exerting endless energy, but few can claim the title of sticking to that sport for their whole life.

“I have been playing soccer since I was four years old,” said Van Meeteren. “When I first started my parents just put me in it for fun, but as I got older I started to get much more passionate about playing and training. I realized I wanted to play for as long as I could.”
Participating in high school athletics is not always an easy load to carry while trying to balance school and other activities. A large amount of these athletes’ hard work goes unnoticed to the majority of people; however, it is the time put in outside of the games where the progress is made.
“On a normal week, I have practice four days a week for an hour and a half and then I have some extra speed and strength training four days a week for about an hour,” said Van Meeteren.

While college athletics will be a new experience for Van Meeteren, she has had some guidance along the way to help make the transition between high school athletics and college athletics more seamless.
“A couple of my past teammates have gone on to the collegiate level, so they have given me a few tips and tricks to help me out,” said Van Meeteren.
Van Meeteren emphasized finding a school with exceptional training in the desired field of study, but also a school that will continue to challenge and push her limits to achieve the highest potential in her sport.
“My mom went to school at USD, so I have always been around the school and seen the community built around their athletics so that definitely played a role in choosing USD,” said Van Meeteren. “I plan to major in nursing and then possibly become a PA. Because nursing is a major that requires a big time commitment, I plan to always be sure I communicate consistently between my coaches and professors to get the most out of my experience.”

With a new chapter beginning to open, it is bittersweet having to leave behind high school athletics and the family that comes with it. However, there is a lot to be excited about for what lies ahead.
“I think the thing I’m most excited about is the new experience away from home and the high level of athletes I’ll get to play with,” said Van Meeteren.
Success in one’s passion not only lies in the hard work they put in on and off the field but also in the support all around them. Success comes from the role models that have been there, cheering and supporting from day one, to the role models who have paved the way and created a great example for what is to come.
“My biggest role models would definitely be my parents, just because I see how hard they work at everything they do and they are always there to support me,” said Van Meeteren.
Success is not handed out, but something that is earned through hard work and dedication. However, it is in the enjoyment that comes with the hard work where stars shine.
“My biggest piece of advice would be to work hard and enjoy the moment,” said Van Meeteren.