A new revolution
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Workout classes have become a huge trend lately ranging from high intensity interval training or cycling to restorative yoga classes.
January 6, 2023
Every year a new trend emerges, capturing the attention of many. This year, workout classes have taken hold of many people’s attention; getting them up early or keeping them out after their workday. Working out has many benefits to one’s health and well-being such as maintaining or achieving one’s desired physique, lowering the chances of heart disease, improving one’s mental health and overall brightening one’s mood. These classes can be done in the comfort of one’s own home or in studios that specialize in offering a wide variety of classes.
Cycling classes are a great way to get in a hard and productive workout, without having to endure the cold or the extreme heat that cycling outside would offer. Also, if the thought of going on a long run does not sound very appealing to one, cycling might be a great option to still get some physical activity in. Cycling classes are typically 40-60 minutes long which is the perfect amount of time to heighten one’s metabolism.
Hot Yoga Sculpt
Hot yoga sculpt classes are a great way to increase flexibility and burn calories. They offer a more relaxing approach to exercise along with great mindful benefits. If exercising in the heat does not bother one, hot yoga sculpt might be a great option. Hot yoga sculpt classes are typically a 60-minute class which is the perfect amount of time to strengthen and stretch one’s muscles.
HIIT workouts
HIIT workouts are high-intensity interval training exercises that will burn calories and boost one’s metabolism. While these workouts are taxing, the reward increases your metabolism and achieves many cardiovascular benefits such as lowering blood pressure and building endurance. HIIT workout classes typically last between 30 and 60 minutes, making them the perfect workout for people with busy schedules that are still looking to get in an intense workout.
Restorative yoga
Restorative yoga is all about relaxation and restoration. This kind of yoga focuses on holding poses for a longer period of time to help restore the body back to its original balance. This type of yoga might be a great introduction to more intense yoga options and classes. Not only can restorative yoga be a great introduction to workout classes, but this type of yoga is also great for helping muscles recover from more intense activities.