On Tuesday, Sep. 19, during third period, a voice announced over the speakers to remain in the school building without providing any reason.
Before the bell rang to transition into fourth period, another voice announced over the speakers for students with open lunch to get their lunch meal from the cafeteria and eat in the main gym. Students were overwhelmed and frustrated as they had to stay in the building without specific details as to why. During fourth period, a screen appeared on all desktops reading “Alert! Due to a police situation in the neighborhood, the following schools are sheltering in place until further notice: Lincoln High School, Patrick Henry Middle School, Susan B Anthony Elementary, Robert Frost Elementary, Horace Mann Elementary and IPC,” said the Sioux Falls School District.
Many theories arose among the school on why this lockdown occurred, but no one knew the real reason why. The “Lincoln Brazies” GroupMe chat was also inputting their own out-of-pocket ideas. But of course, the only reliable source of information would be from the authorities. “My verbiage is this… it’s above my paygrade and we are doing this for good practice,” said LHS resource officer Chase Vanderhule.
Although Officer Vanderhule reported that the situation provided good practice, it did not seem too much like practice to the students. People often first react to an announced lockdown with fear; it can automatically trigger the “fight or flight” mentality. Some students were creating their escape plan for open lunch while teachers and staff blocked exits to ensure that no one entered or left the school. Other students wandered around the halls sharing their conspiracies with peers. Some shared there was a police car chase and some shared there was a wanted suspect on the run. Another student also suggested that a freshman posted on their Snapchat story that someone was shot at a local Jimmy John’s. All of these events created a chaotic and overwhelming environment for the students at LHS.
When in reality, schools in Tea, SD, received a threatening phone call to their schools. After an investigation of the phone call, there was no danger to the schools. Later on in the day, Tea Police Officials stated that the subject was in the area of various Sioux Falls School District facilities, including LHS. Shelter-in-place was then arranged for schools nearby. Around 1 p.m., the person was found and the shelter-in-place was lifted. The suspect is now in hold of the authorities and is underage, so the identity will not be disclosed. In closing, LHS students are safe and in no threat of danger.