After winning the 2023-2024 state championship, the LHS girls tennis team has been on cloud nine. Eloise Geraets, Charlotte Crawford, Bergen Quello, Grace Miner, Julia Hedrick, Angela Ge, Lauryn Gohl and Betsy Haft all helped pave the way toward winning the state championship. The coaches Tom Krueger and Scott Embry pushed the girls to win since their last championship was won in 2020. The girls give us a little insight into what their weeks leading up to state looked like as well as how they felt after the big win.
1. How did you prepare for state? What did you do outside of school practice?
2. What was your favorite memory from state week?

1. “I actually was sick the week before, so it was not fun being home. But the week before we did lots of drills.”
2. “My favorite moment from state week was probably my first doubles match.”

1. “Outside of practice we tried to take the pressure off of state by filling our traditional snack boxes with our favorite treats, opening state gifts, and having a final team meal. Separately, I had a couple of private lessons to not only help me prepare but to also combat any overthinking.”
2. “My favorite moment would be calculating points and realizing

1. “We got together to trade snacks and get out swag bags. We also had team practice outside of regular practice.”
2. “My favorite moment at state was when a whole big group of Lincoln students showed up to support.”

1. “We prepared for state by having our usual practice and working on areas that we needed to improve on ahead of the tournament.”
2. My favorite memory was playing doubles at match point, surrounded by a great atmosphere.”

1. “As a team we prepared by practicing every day after school and continued with footwork drills to keep loose.”
2. “ My favorite moment from state week was having all of my friends come and support me and cheer me on during my semifinal match.”

1. “The week before state, I usually take it easy and just go to school practice. I do take these practices seriously though.”
2. “My favorite memory from state is when I came back in my semifinal match. I lost the first set 6-2, then won the second set 6-1.”

1. “I prepared for state by working hard every day, mentally getting myself in the right place to play well.”
2. “Winning flight 3 doubles with my partner Angela.”

1. “Coach Kruger prepared us all year for what to expect at the state tournament.”
2. “My favorite moment was watching the girls do their best against every opponent.”