Participation in gardening and growing plants has increased, notably since the 2020 pandemic that isolated us in our homes. Nonetheless, there has still been an apparent disconnection from the dirt and roots. I frequently hear the statement: “I wish I could garden” or “I can’t keep a plant alive,” but the prospect of a ‘brown’ thumb that many claim to have is simply a discouraging myth. Humans have been growing food for over 12,000 years; it is no mystery to human nature. There is no need to get discouraged if you don’t succeed with your growing journey at first. Nature provides endless opportunities, but they only come with patience.
Gardening coincides with several benefits for both your mental and physical health. For one, it’s a great way to incorporate physical activity into your daily life while boosting your mood. According to the Mayo Clinic Health System, people tend to breathe deeper when outside, which helps clear the lungs and improve immune response. Sunlight also increases vitamin D levels and can decrease blood pressure. Moreover, gardening doesn’t create bonds solely between the plant and grower; it introduces one to a community of people who share the same hobby and passion. In these communities, bonds are formed with a sense of belonging, contributing to that beneficial mental effect.
One of the most rewarding benefits is growing your organic and healthy food. Gardeners are more likely to have a colorful plate since they grow a wide variety of produce. Knowing where your food came from and how it was grown can dramatically reduce food-related anxieties while simultaneously instilling a sense of pride from enjoying the fruits of one’s labor. The higher cost and lower availability frequently cause a lack of fruit and vegetable intake in the American diet, which causes a higher risk for an unhealthy quality of life. Several standard fruits, vegetables and legumes that are packed with nutrients are beginner-friendly and easy to grow with the right resources. By adding a designated space to grow your food, big or small, you increase the accessibility to whole foods, making it easier to maintain a healthy diet.
If you wish to pursue gardening, it takes a great deal of patience and a willingness to learn. To know what is best for your plants, you need to take the time to research them. Find out what climate they grow in and how to properly care for them. For example, tomatoes and cucumbers love lots of light, but leafy green and root crops can thrive in the shade. There is always room to learn and obstacles to work around; however, there are some basics to help you get started:
- Assess your lighting – Lighting is one of the most critical factors of gardening, as plants need to photosynthesize. When picking a spot to set up your garden, pick an area that receives a lot of sunlight, preferably away from tall vegetation that can potentially block it.
- Check possible locations – You want a garden that can grow the most food efficiently and is easily accessible. The bigger the space, the better—Don’t worry if you have limited space; plenty of methods and new technologies enable a productive small-scale garden!
- Soil – Different plants require different types of soil. Evaluate what plants you plan on growing and how their soil would be if they were out in their native surroundings; herbs grow in sandy Mediterranean climates, while many berries grow in forests, covered by leaves that keep the soil moist. Another vital factor to consider is the nutrients in the soil. The three primary nutrients consist of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The preference of these plants typically depends on the family they come from. Leafy greens need more nitrogen, while berries tend to flourish the best in slightly more acidic soil.
- Pick what to grow – Before starting your garden, it is best to select what produce you want to grow and then decide where to place it. Although you can arrange them in neatly organized rows, companion planting has many benefits. When plants work together, you will surely get the best harvest!
- Patience – As previously mentioned, patience is key. You will make mistakes, and some harvests will turn out differently than you anticipated. Don’t let the disappointment of a poor harvest discourage you or throw you off track; it’s all part of the process of becoming a better gardener.
- Research – Surround yourself with information on how to care for your plants efficiently. It’s highly common for people to jump straight into it, buy a plant, and immediately assume how to take care of it when, in reality, they end up neglecting it. There is no shame in not being familiar. Embrace it and use it as an opportunity to expand your knowledge.
Houseplants are a great place to start if gardening initially seems too intimidating. Start small, no matter how tempting it is to go big and beyond. You do not want to overwhelm yourself with excessive plants, soil and fertilizer. One fitting beginner house plant is Dracaena trifasciata, also known as the snake plant. It doesn’t require much light and is hardy enough to withstand some underwatering. Some other good choices to consider are succulents. Like the snake plant, they don’t need a lot of watering since they prefer dry soil, but be mindful that they thrive best in direct sunlight, which may not be suitable for limited window availability. As you grow familiar with your current plants, you can begin to branch out and add to your collection. Houseplants can add an abundance of life and color to a space, improving the air quality.
It is never too late to start your gardening journey. Learning to live with the land is a highly beneficial quality for both you and the environment, intertwined with every branch of every culture. Ancient wisdom is found within the dirt, between the roots and among each climbing vine. Lessons are taught through each failed crop and every large yield. Right alongside your plants, you have the opportunity to flourish and grow.

increasing the viability and yield of your plants.
(Abby Anderson)