St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday annually celebrated on Mar. 17 to honor the death of Saint Patrick. The holiday has shifted focus to the celebration of Irish culture with parades and the color green. According to House Beautiful, the shamrock is a symbol of St. Patrick’s Day, as St. Patrick used each of the leaves to represent the Holy Trinity and spread Christianity throughout Ireland. According to Better Homes and Garden, four-leaf clovers are often associated with luck due to their rarity; the chances of finding a four-leaf clover is 1 in 10,000. It is also believed that four-leaf clovers were used as a Celtic charm for magical protection and to ward off evil and bad luck. In honor of the symbolism of the shamrock and the four-leaf clover for Saint Patrick’s Day, here are some unlucky and lucky situations faced by LHS students.
An anonymous sophomore at LHS has learned a lesson about putting a Mississippi quarter in their shoe as a Thursday and warns others not to end up in the same unlucky situation they did.
“Once I got a quarter that said ‘Mississippi,’ and I thought it was really cool, so I kept it as my lucky quarter. I remember it was a Thursday in third grade, [and] I put it in my right shoe for good luck. That day, I also brought Kool-Aid in my water bottle, but my water bottle leaked Kool-Aid all over the school all day. I put it in my backpack to stop the leaking, and when I was walking out of the school it left a trail of cherry Kool-Aid behind me. Then, I set my backpack down to figure out what to do, and I saw the Kool-Aid everywhere. I picked it up and there was a pool of Kool-Aid sitting on the floor. I didn’t know where it was all coming from because I felt like it should have been all used up [at that point]. So, never put a Mississippi quarter in your shoe on a Thursday because it does not end well,” said the LHS sophomore.
Freshman Anela Krause-Wolf was unlucky enough to face a whole day full of bad fortune this school year. Her day started off on a poor note when she woke up late and realized she had to be ready in 13 minutes. On the way to school, she got stuck in traffic because of construction but was luckily on time. The previous day, her blood sugar had been very high, so she puked and did not feel well, and her sickness was still lingering. In third period, she opened a Sprite, hoping that it would soothe her throat, but when she opened it, the Sprite exploded all over and she had to go to the nurse to get a new outfit. Later, during lunch, Krause-Wolf’s throat still hurt, so she asked the nurse for some apple sauce. However, she ended up eating only four bites after those around her made fun of the face she made from the pain of swallowing. Right after lunch, Krause-Wolf had sewing class. When she was putting away the irons, she spilled water all over herself and needed another change of clothes. In sixth period, her stomach did not feel well because of her high blood sugar. Although Krause-wolf did not have too bad of a seventh period, on the bus ride home, she had to share a seat with two other people, which led to a tight fit and caused her some leg pain. That night, Krause-Wolf couldn’t fall asleep until 1 a.m. then woke up 45 minutes later and could not fall asleep for another half-hour. The next morning, she realized she had not done any of her homework and still did not feel well.
Junior Jackson Baumann and an anonymous sophomore faced the same unfortunate fate when they received new cars.
“I had my car for about one month and me and my friends took his mom’s minivan to go hiking. My friend started backing out of his driveway and backed into my car’s rear quarter panel and that totaled my car,” said Baumann.
“The week I got my brand new car someone ran a red light and T-boned me,” said the anonymous sophomore.
Amidst the bad luck faced by a handful of LHS students, a couple have still experienced good luck. An anonymous junior found two four-leaf clovers next to each other. Freshman Ariah Wiebe won two gift baskets in the same week, with one of them having a value of $200. Even though at times it may seem like the universe is against oneself, it is important to take the time to notice the little blessings in life.