Girls frantic for formal


Chloe Crissman, Kate Fehrs, and Somer Luitjens at 2016 formal

Somer Luitjens, Staff Writer

Winter formal is right around the corner, and girls are starting to go crazy. While all boys have to do is take a quick shower, change and show up, girls have at least 4 different appointments. There are hours upon hours of time girls put into looking their best for the dance and it is time everyone truly sees what a girl goes through on the week of formal.


Must Do’s (Before the day):

  1. Search online and in stores for the perfect dress and make sure it fits
  2. Find a pair of cute shoes to match your dress
  3. Make sure your date has a tie that matches the color of your dress
  4. Get your nails done to make your hands and toes nice and elegant
  5. Plan out the special night with your group/date


  1. Get a spray tan to make sure your pictures are nothing less than perfect
  2. Get your eyebrows done cause, why not?
  3. Get a boutonniere for your date

Must Do’s (On the day):

  1. Get your hair styled
  2. Get your makeup done
  3. Put on your dress and shoes to finish off the perfect night