Facebook for kids: Good or bad?

Kate Fehrs, Staff Writer

Remember when you were supposed to be 13-years-old or older to be able to have an account on Facebook? Times have changed since then; Facebook has now created Messenger Kids. Many people can argue whether this idea is good or bad, but there is good reasoning behind both.

Facebook has been around for quite some time now and has finally launched Messenger Kids for children between 6-years-old and 12-years-old. Facebook did this in the attempt to make the website more kid-friendly while doing it in a safe way.

Facebook is not the most popular website for the teenage generation. Therefore, Facebook is trying to bring their popularity back for teenagers and below. That is one of the reasons they created Messenger Kids.

Some parents are all for it and excited for something safe and friendly for their kids. Others are not excited for it at all. Many think it will mess up their kid’s brains at too young of an age.

Another downside of this, is that now even more young kids are going to be glued to their iPads and iPods. Instead of making memories outside with friends, the younger generation will be getting headaches from looking at their screens for too long.