Earthquakes and Lava; The current scene in Hawaii

Jack Fehrs, Feature Editor

Over the past week, Hawaii has been experiencing earthquakes and the eruption of volcanic vents and fissures.

On May 4, this past Friday and through the weekend, Hawaii was affected by 11 volcanoes, ranging from magnitude 4.0 to magnitude 6.9. The earthquakes shook communities all over the Maui.

A total of 14 volcanic vents have opened on the Big Island, Maui. The vents, also known as fissures, are spewing lava and toxic gas. The lava and gases are a hazard to the residents and as a result an evacuation order has been ordered for parts of the community. The pahoa community has been especially affected, with most of the activity occurring in this area. A total of 36 structures have been destroyed so far in the wake of the earthquake and molten lava, many of which have been homes, leaving people in search of shelter.

However, the danger has not ended with eruptions and seismic activity. Now, residents have been warned of another threat, ballistic projectiles. Rock and other objects could be thrown into the air coming due to explosive eruptions. The newest set of eruptions due to the interaction of ground water with the magma underground, resulting in steam explosions.

The situation in Hawaii is still developing as lava flows and magma bubbles up from fissures. Governor David Ige is seeking federal aid to relieve the devastation caused by the natural disasters. Currently, the salvation army is helping the victims of the eruptions, and their number can be reached at, 1-808-756-0306, according to CNN. 100% of donations will support disaster operations.