Terrorists strike again in London

Riley Rasmussen, Staff Writer

On Wednesday, March 22, an attack declared to be a terrorist attack took place in London. Four people are dead and 40 people are injured after a car driven by an attacker hit people standing and walking on the sidewalk. A stabbing followed after.

The attacker was identified on Thursday, March 23 as Khalid Masood. The information that Masood has a past of violent and criminal situations was released to the public. Masood was driving the car that hit bystanders on the sidewalk. Masood had crashed the car near the Parliament and tried to enter the Parliament with a knife in his hand. Then, he used the knife and stabbed multiple people including an American tourist, British teacher and a police officer. The attacker was then brought down by a gunshot shot by another police officer.

40 people have been injured from the attack. Several injuries are severe, including the injuries of two officers. 31 victims are in the hospital, two people are in critical care and one person has life-threatening injuries.

Less than 24 hours after the attack, the Westminster Bridge has reopened. This bridge is where Masood had driven the car and hit bystanders standing and walking. A search had been initiated at the bridge after the attack. Officers have taken around 2,700 items from searches and three cars are been taken in.

Many world leaders have offered support to the UK. Donald Trump, US President, had offered full support to the UK of the U.S. government. Many have sent their condolences to the country in this time of sadness and shock.