What to do, and what not to do at open houses.
If you get many or you only get few, it is important to go to as many open houses as you can get to.
May 18, 2016
Go to many as possible:
It means a lot to the person throwing the party that you show up, even if you are just there for five minutes. Making the effort to make an appearance doesn’t go unnoticed.
Go with friends:
Gather a squad and take one or two cars to open houses, it’s a great time. Nothing spells fun like great food, a great celebration and great friends.
Enjoy the pictures:
This is a great chance to see adorable/embarrassing pictures of your friends, so don’t miss the golden opportunity to learn more about a schoolmate.
Eat, eat, eat:
Eat, and eat a lot. Open house food is not just free food, but good food, so don’t be afraid to overeat. Enjoy a meal with your friends.
Get lazy and not go to them:
I know putting the effort into looking good for these is hard, but trust me it is worth it for the free food and making your friends smile when they see you.
Be rude:
A lot of work goes into an open house, and although some are not as well done as others, make sure to say thank you to the student and the parents of the students as much as possible. If a party is bad, preferably don’t say it at all, or at least don’t say it there.
Be nervous:
I know that it is hard for introverts like me to be around so many people, but secretly it’s a little awkward for everyone, embrace it.
Starve yourself:
You won’t get fat from open houses, I promise. Indulge and enjoy yourself.