Bollin: choir superstar

Gage Gramlick, Staff Writer

Linda Conrad nominated LHS senior Rebekah Bollin to be the Fine Arts Student of the Week.
Bollin is involved in both concert choir and ensemble chamber choir and loves to sing. Beyond choir, Bollin can be found playing piano, working, binge watching TV, eating or reading. Bollin is not sure if she will major in music, but she intends to participate in college music in some capacity.

“I think I’d definitely like to continue it in college,” said Bollin. “I don’t know if I’d do a music major, but I’d like to keep singing throughout my life. Singing is really fun!”

Conrad, the LHS choir teacher, nominated Bollin for her outstanding leadership and humility.

“She leads in a quiet way, her work ethic is great and she never lets you down,” said Conrad. “Over the course of her years here at Lincoln, she has just been stellar. It’s not just music we’re working on, we’re working on being quality people and showing others that we care. She’s definitely been that. She really epitomizes what we like to see in the Lincoln High School vocal kids. No matter what, I hope she keeps singing.”