Chef Curry in the kitchen


Sydney Rosinsky, Social Media Coordinator/ OpEd

When hearing about a member of the Curry family in the news, most would think of the unanimous NBA MVP, Stephen Curry. Or maybe some would think of Riley, his adorable daughter who likes to sabotage postgame interviews. But now, Ayesha, wife of Steph Curry, is hoping to make a name for herself other than being a basketball wife.

Ayesha Curry has always been in love with cooking and she wants to finally show people her skills and delicious recipes. Recently, Curry has released her first cookbook, “The Seasoned Life: Food, Family, Faith & the Joy of Eating Well.” In this cookbook, Curry shares 100 of her best and favorite recipes and shows the ins and outs of her household life.

Along with this cookbook, Ayesha has announced she will be starring in a new show on the Food Network. “Ayesha’s Homemade” is set to air this fall. Much like her cookbook, the show will display the many aspects of life as a Curry. From showing her two young, loveable daughters and superstar husband, to getting into the details of how to make a mouthwatering meal, this show is sure to entertain.

With all of this, Curry also has a blog where she frequently posts recipes that may not be featured in “The Seasoned Life.” This blog is where Curry started out, so it is a great chance to see her very first recipes and how she has perfected them through the years.

For anyone that is a fan of the Curry family, this show and cookbook is something that needs to be checked out.