Low tuition: Youth With A Mission
Photo Provided by Google Public Use Gathering of students and staff at Ohana Court at the University of Nations.
September 19, 2016
After high school graduation, students are faced with an array of options. They can choose from four year institutions, two year tech schools, a military branch or go straight into the work field. In addition to the more popular paths, there are numerous lesser known programs such as Youth With A Mission, or YWAM for short, that offer students an unique experience.
YWAM was founded in 1960 by Loren Cunningham and his wife Darlene Cunningham with the intent of spreading the word of Christ through young people. In their 56 years of existence the non-profit organization has amassed 18,000 volunteers over 1,100 locations in over 180 countries. Thousands of people from various walks of life makeup YWAM, their volunteers range in age from nine to 90.
Their mission comes from Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” They do this two different ways: through their Evangelism and Mercy divisions. The Evangelistic sector aims to spread God’s word through music, performing arts and sports in areas that do not have the opportunity to hear the gospel. The Mercy sector operates in relief and development usually in third world areas.
Students interested in participating enroll in the Discipleship Training School at the University of Nations. There they are able to take classes at any of its seven colleges, as well as go through the intense five month discipleship program where they grow in their faith and learn how to spread it to others. After students have completed their training they have the option to spend another six months in a third-world country and minister to the native people.
YWAM draws people from all corners of the Earth and provides an opportunity to grow in faith because it is totally customizable and an unforgettable experience. Anyone interested in learning more can visit them at their website www.ywam.org .