The new club of LHS takes the name of Tetris


Ellie Lamberty, Staff Writer

In the game of Tetris, fitting in will make you disappear. But a new club has appeared at LHS to bring fans of the game together.

Tetris club was recently founded by LHS senior, Julia Breukelman. With no requirements or prerequisites, everyone and anyone is welcome to join. The club will meet every Tuesday morning in Jared Jansen’s room, A116. It is an opportunity to get involved in a group, meet some new people and add one more extracurricular to a transcript. Jansen, adviser of Tetris club, is excited about the potential for the new group.

“I am looking forward to bringing in all types of students,” said Jansen. “Our motto is ‘Everybody fits in’ because that’s a big part of Tetris, fitting all the pieces in. I don’t play very often, but I am planning to play a lot more now that the club is starting.”

Jansen wanted to be an adviser because he enjoys playing Tetris and knows that a lot of students do too. In fact, some love playing so much that they are playing in class, that is something he hopes will be reduced by this new club.

“Kids playing during class is a problem,” said Jansen. “Part of the reason we started this club was so that students can have an outlet for their Tetris needs.”  

Kaleb Dobbs, Vice President of Tetris club and LHS senior, is looking forward to what Tetris club has to offer. He plays frequently, and is ready to start being more competitive with his scores.

“It is a great time to get a bunch of people together. It’ll be a lot of fun,” said Dobbs. “I’m looking forward to improving my game and improving strategically because I know I can get more tetrises.”