Dobson-Student of the week

Trace Dobson was chosen as Student of the Week for LHS.
October 25, 2016
Ken Doyle and Kim Maass have chosen Trace Dobson, senior at LHS, as the LHS Student of the Week. These teachers were eager to share Dobson’s studious characteristics.
Doyle is the U.S. history teacher at LHS, which is a year long class, and Maass teaches government, a semester long class at LHS. Maass’s government class curriculum consists of learning about the national government. They are also currently studying the election. Both Maass and Doyle said that one of the characteristics that stands out about Dobson, is that he is openly engaged with discussion.
“Trace is always well prepared for class discussion,” said Maass. “He truly has a curiosity for the subject matter.”
Doyle had similar thoughts about Dobson’s participation and willingness in class.
“He just seems very engaged and interested in my class,” said Doyle. “He also always has a smile on his face.”
Dobson is also currently taking AP Physics and AP Latin, but these advanced classes do not take away from his effort in other classes. Dobson’s high school career is soon coming to an end, but he is not quite decided on where he wants to attend college. Dobson has interests to study business in his near future.
Dobson’s attentiveness and hard work during class are what caught his teachers attentions. The choice of Dobson for Student of the Week was an easy decision for his teachers. Dobson will continue to meet up to his teachers high expectations for him, and is setting a clear example of what it means to be “Student of the Week.”