E-wing water fountain, gone but not forgotten

November 3, 2016
Everyone has a favorite feature of LHS. Some favorites might be the swimming pool in the haunted basement, the tallest tree in the arcadia parking lot, the chair in Val Fox’s office or the statue of Abraham Lincoln in the main foyer. But what if one of these unforgettable things was taken away and replaced? The answer: LHS would never be the same. However, this is exactly what happened yesterday in the main E-wing hallway.
Nov. 2, 2016, the LHS E-wing water fountain was suddenly taken away from students and replaced with a newer and “better” water fountain. No one knew what was going on until it was too late. There were pieces of water fountain scattered around the floor as horrified students walked past the horrible scene.
Some students, *cough* freshmen *cough,* will easily be able to recover from the new change. However, most other students’ lives were greatly impacted by the water fountain. It provided a cool, refreshing escape from the hot, cramped classes and a satisfying drink after coming out of the weight room.
Although the new water fountain is located in the same place, the water is different. The once ice-cold water is now a few degrees warmer and does not shoot as high as before, causing students to bend over further, hurting their knees and back.
Some will try to deny their disappointment by saying the water fountain across from A136 was the coldest and most pressurized water fountain, however, we all know the E-wing fountain was. Other students will say that the new fountain, which includes a water bottle filling station, will be a great new addition to the already abundant amount of drinking fountains. However, most will mourn, not hiding their sadness.
The E-wing water fountain will be greatly missed and will leave those impacted by it in a hard reality, but we all must stand together and comfort one another through this hard time. LHS students, remember to not be sad that the life of the water fountain is over, be happy for the short time we had with it.