No shave, no problem

Oliver Lockwood-Powell, Staff Writer

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you November, do not shave. It is as simple as one two three and A B C, just follow the simple rules of the game.

During November, for as long as one can remember, the tradition of No-Shave November has been in full effect. The itchiness causes insanity. The uneven patches cause unattractiveness. And the pieces of food chunks make for a good after school snack. What good can come out of this? Well the answer is this: it shows solidarity with cancer victims, who lose their hair while going through chemo-therapy. It also shows that you have the drive to accomplish what you want to do and you show that if it truly is a goal of yours. It is defeatable and you will defeat it. Throughout time, there has been bets placed on this month all across the globe, some get money while some lose their money. All in all, No-Shave November is a time to really figure out if you have it in you to accomplish what one truly wants.

If one walked through the halls of LHS, they would see a variety of beards from the guys and some girls if you look close enough. If one were to look at celebrities like NBA star James Harden and the social media comedian The Fat Jewish, one can see that some even design their beard to specific detail for their personal preference.  For example, LHS football star Ben Schilling has been planning for this month for the past three years ever since he started to grow his beard.

“I am going to participate in No-Shave November because I have not shaved in the past few years so I said to myself, ‘Why not just go another month, Ben,’”  said Shilling.

When it comes to shaving, Shilling does not mess around. He plans to grow it out until someone confronts him on looking like a homeless man.

“The main goal I have for myself is to eventually look like a bear,” said Shilling. “There is no reason to quit. Always grow your beard out. Beards for life.”

Although there are downfalls to No-Shave November, there are also many positives to go alongside of it, such as bragging rights and laughs along the way.

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