Don’t go chasing waterfalls…

Janitorial staff cleans up water from the pipe breakage right outside of the school store in A-wing.

Photo by Gage Gramlick

Janitorial staff cleans up water from the pipe breakage right outside of the school store in A-wing.

Gage Gramlick, Staff writer

At approximately 7:00 am this morning, the fire alarm pierced the ears of the few faculty and students at LHS. They rose with a start, cursing the cold weather they were going to inevitably face. Walking into the hallway, they discovered not a fire, but a waterfall cascading from the ceiling. At this point, the damage levels are unclear. We will continue to post throughout the day.

“I was just standing, holding the door open for students- I got a video of it…”- Sean Ladd

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