Unknown gas smell in LHS hallways

Lucy Dekkenga, Editor-in-Chief

At 10:15 a.m. yesterday morning, teachers in the A100 hallway realized there was strong gas scent flowing through the classrooms. Math teacher, Danyelle Brown, immediately called down to the office to receive help to investigate the smell as the other teachers loitered in the hallway. Brown joined the teachers after the phone call and administrators soon followed suit as they came to investigate.

“The smell was really strong at the beginning of adroom,” said Brown. “I let them know that I smelled gas and I went to the office to notify them personally as well.”

The cause of the strange smell was still unidentified at the end of adroom. It was known, however, that a science classroom had been moved into the library due to the horrible, gaseous scent.

“It smelled of gas, like really strongly,” said LHS junior Richard Dennis. “Mrs. Brown left halfway through the period and that was pretty cool.”

Later in the day the cause was found, although some students in their science classes already knew what the smell was. Like most of the strange smells in LHS, it had come from a science class who was performing an experiment.

Thank you LHS science department for always keeping the school on their feet and putting everyone in a state of wonder for what the strange smells that drift through the hallways are. Students learned a lesson to be careful when using the bunsen burners and to not leave them on too long.