Trump declares ban on Muslim immigrants

January 30, 2017
Donald Trump has issued an executive order to prohibit Muslim immigration to the U.S. Many people didn’t think Trump would go to these extremes, but within only the first weeks of his presidency, he has caused havoc.
“I’m establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States. We don’t want ’em here,” said Trump from his podium at the Pentagon, according to The Washington Post.

Yes, the President of the United States said this. Trump’s main motive for his hatred of Muslims, is the stereotypical idea that all Muslims are terrorists. There have been terrorists that have been Muslim, but there has also been terrorists of every other kind of religion and race. The Sandy Hook shooting was done by a white man, as was the San Bernardino. Associating every Muslim with the idea of terrorism is racist and wrong. Mike Pence, the Vice President of the U.S. who said that conversion therapy is a good thing, even claimed that banning all Muslims from entering the U.S is an absurd idea.
“Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional,” said Pence in 2015 on Twitter.
Syrian refugees who have escaped the turmoil that the Syrian civil war has caused will no longer be accepted into the U.S. Young children who have suffered more than us, comfortable living Americans, will never experience or be able to comprehend. America began with immigrants. We are defined as a cultural jungle with no limitations on diversity. But with Trump as president, it feels like this is going to change.