Fine arts student of the week: White

February 7, 2017
The LHS band is known for their powerful music and their dedicated students who give up sleep and their spare time to be a part of this great band. One of the most important pieces of the puzzle is LHS junior Tim White.
White is a percussionist for the LHS band. He is a part of the symphonic band which is the number one band at LHS. White is also one of the section leaders for the snares in the marching band and in jazz band.
As a percussionist, White plays multiple instruments for the band such as the snare drum, drumset and the marimba.
White’s talent has caused both band directors to take notice and appreciate his presence in the band. Band director Samuel Anderson had nothing but positive things to say about White.
“He’s someone I can count on to always do the right thing,” said Anderson. “He is really dedicated to his music, a great leader and a good person overall.
White is only a junior at LHS which gives him another year and a half to make his presence felt in the band. Anderson believes that he will continue to be great for the band.
“As a junior, he has done everything we hoped he could and would do,” said Anderson. “We hope he continues to do what he is doing and build on his past.”
Anderson believes that White’s future will be bright because of his musical background and involvement with all of the band groups at LHS.
“I think if he wanted to go on and study music he would be really good at that,” said Anderson. “His involvement, dedication and teamwork applies to any field. I believe he will be successful no matter what he does.”