It’s Yeezy season

February 13, 2017
Saturday was a tiring day for the “hype beasts” (sneakerheads) that managed to get their hands on a pair of Yeezys. Releasing as early as 4 a.m., only the luckiest got the famous Kanye West shoes that sell out in minutes.
Buyers had to wake up at the crack of dawn to get a hold of West’s insanely popular shoes. West has made an apparent name for himself in the fashion industry. The first season of West’s brand Yeezy released in October 2016 and is a collaboration with adidas. The second season released early Saturday morning. The price range for these shoes is around $220 retail and can reach up to at least $600 in resale. This means that Adidas releases the shoes for around $200, but resellers specifically buy multiple pairs to make a profit by selling them for $600. That’s why it’s such a big deal when Yeezy’s are first released.
But the people that manage to buy Yeezy’s for retail price tend to get skeptical questions from parents or to be blunt, old people. “You spent $200 on a pair of shoes?”, “Who’s Kanye West?” are common questions many teens hear from their parents after buying the shoes, making in my opinion, a wise decision and a wise investment. First, you old people just don’t get fashion. Fashion and paying a large expense for clothes/shoes is completely comparable to buying a nice car. It’s expensive, but it is good quality and a good investment. That’s the exact same thing as buying $200 shoes, except a car is 10x that price. So stop getting on us about spending too much money on clothes, in fact, it’s our money and we worked for it. Well, unless your parents just give you $200 on a regular basis.
Not only are these shoes bought primarily for fashion, they are also an amazing investment. If the owner decides the $200 was not worth it, they could do as resellers do and sell them for more than they paid.
Buying Yeezys is perfectly okay to do if you’re responsible with your money, and you have an abundance of it that you are willing to spend. It’s Yeezy season, and although I don’t have the money to buy a pair, I support every lucky person that does.