Junior Student Council trip
Junior Student Council members stand in front of the Washington Monument while on a school sponsored trip
February 6, 2017
Yesterday I returned from a school trip to the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. While there, I attended a national conference with the Junior Student Council members from our school and visited a fraction of the seemingly endless monuments and museums. While spending four days there, I made memories and experienced lessons that I will always remember.
I will admit that at first I was hesitant about the idea of a Student Council conference because it seemed like a distracter from the history we all could be witnessing throughout the city. I was wrong. Throughout the weekend we had a perfect mix of the conference and touring. We were able to experience the Washington and Lincoln monument, multiple museums and a tour of the capitol building along with several leadership speakers. This was all within the span of three days.
I will also admit that my sleep schedule will be struggling from this trip for at least a couple of weeks. Our crew began the trip with a 5 a.m. flight and there was not much sleep for the rest of the days. We walked to all attractions adding up to an average of 11 miles per touring day which is just a tad more than the distance of walking the halls of LHS. Despite the sleep deprivation and sore feet, I would not change any aspect of our school trip. We were all able to pick up ideas to bring to Lincoln and experience firsthand major parts of our nation’s history.
There is an importance within school trips because they allow learning and plenty of fun. All members of junior Student Council and our advisor Jennifer DuBois became closer during the weekend based on the fact that we were basically with each other for all hours of the extremely fun, yet very long days. One of my favorite parts of the trip was the fact that we laughed endlessly and had fun no matter what we were doing. I now look forward to Student Council meetings and our activities more, knowing I will see the juniors and remember our perfect weekend.

Junior Student Council members stand in front of a mural in Washington D.C.