Justin Bieber and other influential musicians miss out on Grammy’s
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Bieber is seen on the red carpet attending the 2015 American Music Awards.
February 17, 2017
The Grammy’s is one of the biggest entertainment award ceremonies of the year, and it happened to be last weekend. Elegant and glamorous like always, it seemed to be a success to most. But not to certain fans, like the fans of Justin Bieber and other music stars.
Bieber has been known to dislike award shows and not always attend. He once posted last year on Instagram an excessive caption about how he doesn’t agree with award shows and what they stand for. He seems to think that they’re fake and don’t truly show the real side of the entertainment world.
Other big musicians such as Kanye West and Drake were absent from the 2017 Grammy’s as well. West, along with Bieber, has also been known to have issues with award shows, especially the Grammy’s, in the past. He has suggested things involving racial controversies. West thinks that the Grammy’s aren’t fair because they don’t represent all races well. He would prefer that more races be shown in honoring the different cultures and races of our music industry.
With these favorites missing out on this significant award show, many question whether or not it will trigger others to follow along in their footsteps next year. If ditching these award shows becomes the new “cool” thing to do, will they eventually become extinct?