Statesman app fundraising

Emily Whitney, Staff Writer

This week, the Statesman has been fundraising for an app which will facilitate the viewing of the website on cellular devices. The overall goal of fundraising was to earn $2,000 for the startup cost and money to keep the app running throughout the year. Over the course of a week, the Statesman has raised $1,245 dollars on the GoFundMe page, which is enough money to put the app into action.

Staff member Gage Gramlick has done the work and been the brains behind starting the app alongside adviser, Katie Kroeze. The fundraiser was first publicized by KELO through a story they wrote about the technological advancement of making an app for the Statesman. The article can be found with the link that is included.

Many fancy features will be included in the app. One of them is push notifications which will notify students of new stories that are posted (when turned on). The tabs in the app will be divided by story type which will provide quick and easy access to certain stories that readers want to view.

More money needs to be made in order to keep the app running after it is made. There is a $500 fee to keep the app running for each year which will be needed in the future. Donations can be given on the GoFundMe page which is linked below.