Testing Tips


Emily Whitney, Staff Writer

Hey juniors, with Smarter Balanced coming our way next week, here are some tips to have the best testing experience possible:

  • Sleep is important – Being tired during a test is probably the worst thing ever. Get a good night’s sleep to be able to focus the next day.
  • Breakfast!!! – Being hungry during a test is almost as bad as being tired. Eat a breakfast with protein, and bring snacks to make sure your stomach isn’t growling and you have enough energy to finish the dang test.
  • Water – Staying hydrated solves literally everything. Plus, studies have shown that our brains become more efficient when we are hydrated.
  • Caffeine – For those of you that drink coffee every morning, you can enjoy the average amount you have, but don’t overdo it to help yourself stay focused, because it won’t. It could lead to headaches or stomach ache which just makes testing worse if possible.
  • Okay so this is super cliché, but do your best on the test. Don’t just fill in the answers because you think it doesn’t matter. That doesn’t help anyone!