Why Sundays are the worst day of the week

March 20, 2017
Sitting in my bed on a Sunday afternoon, my motivation is at an all-time low. Should I finish the homework I procrastinated all weekend, or should I continue watching Netflix and chowing down on ice cream? Most people know the answer to that question, whether it is the smart one or not. Although I spent the whole weekend avoiding my responsibilities, facing them on Sundays does not feel the same. On Sundays, there are less than 24 hours until returning to an abyss of stress. Sundays are the worst.
Sundays are a part of the weekend, and the weekends are supposed to be the best part of a busy high schooler’s week. But Sundays are completely different than Saturdays. Going to sleep on a Friday night, high schoolers feel free. There’s no alarm to wake up to, and the idea of a day filled with no stress and homework is relieving; well, to all of us who wait until Sunday night to start our homework. Statistics from Daily Mail, show that 4 out of 10 adults believe that their Sunday nights are full of anxiety and dread.
Although Sunday offers a full day of leisure, the thought of returning to school lingers in the back of my mind all day. Avoiding my homework like I had done on Saturday, has a much more dramatic feeling when doing it on Sunday. I wish I could use Sunday as a part of my weekend to be productive and accomplish things, but the eerie feeling of the whole day makes me want to lay in bed and do nothing. If I do decide to go out and take advantage of the day off, I still have that eerie feeling in the back of my mind. I can’t do any fun activities without thinking about going back to reality the next day. According to Investment Watch Blog, 56 percent of people think that Sundays are meant for lazy, “nothing” days.
Sundays are like the orange Starbursts that no one eats. They are like the green Skittles and the banana Laffy Taffy that are always left over. Sunday is the worst day of the bunch, although most of the other days are not much better anyways.