LHS Marching Band introduces new theme

The LHS marching band competes in competitions around the state and around the nation.
April 11, 2017
When you hear the name Lincoln High School what do you think of? Our most popular club that highlights the game of tetris? No. Our growing spaghetti kid culture? No. What about our nationally award winning marching band? Yes. Over the years the marching band at LHS has been known for their amazing choreography and ability to beautifully play music.
This year the marching band has had the opportunity to travel to places like Hollywood and Saint Louis to perform in national competitions. At the half times of numerous football games, the marching band performed their act ‘Moving to Mars’ in which they had a solar system and a little alien trying to find his way through it. But for this upcoming fall season, the theme will change.
“The theme is called ‘The Underground,’ and it is very different from last year in the fact that it is not a story line show but more of a conceptual show,” said head LHS marching band director Dan Carlson. “It is structurally very different from what we did last year and we are basically just going to create scenes and not just try to tell a story.”
The marching band continuously practices throughout the summer to perfect their routine and they will have to start early this year to learn this new theme and music.
“We will start practicing this year’s music in about a week, and we will start in the middle of April with our auditions and continue putting everything together right now,” said Carlson.
After continued practice, the band will put their skills to the test with this new routine. They will carry on with performances at the half times of football games and long distance productions at national competitions. But no matter what the theme is, the marching band is due to have a show-stopping season.