Downtown Sioux Falls starts off summer with both indoor and outdoor events

Photo Provided by DTSF Inc.

Photo Provided by DTSF Inc.

Glory Yount, Staff Writer

As Summer approaches, Sioux Falls hosts a number of events to kick off the sunny weather. Although attractions such as Palisades State Park, the Zoo and public pools begin to gain more visitors, Sioux Falls once again provides outdoor and indoor events that the whole family can enjoy.

From May 19 to May 20, 2017 Sioux Empire Film Festival will be hosted by the Washington Pavilion Belba’s Theater, located at 301 S. Main Avenue. The event will be centered around workshops, viewing films and networking with other local filmmakers. 22 of the 42 films to be viewed at the event will either feature a South Dakotan director/filmmaker or was created in South Dakota. Tickets will be sold for $10 per night or $20 for both Friday and Saturday.

As of May 13, the Falls Park Farmer’s Market will be open for the second weekend of the season. Open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday until October, guests can expect live music, vendors, fresh produce and other local items. What better way to start your Saturday than a locally-grown breakfast at Falls Park?

First Fridays Downtown bring a plethora of events as many stores in the downtown area stay open later, bars and restaurants have discounts, street musicians take to the corners of Phillips Avenue and the summer-long fest known as the Downtown Bloc Party on the Eastbank begins. This free and family-friendly event, located at 8th St. & Railroad Center, starts at 5:30 p.m on June 2 and features a variety of vendors and live music from local artists. Beer, wine, shopping and other activities are just a few happenings that can be expected at the Downtown Bloc Party.

On Saturday June 3, the PG-rated movie “Stork” will be screened at Fawick park as the city kicks off the beginning of summer break for most students with Moonlight Movies, a free kid-friendly event held every Saturday night of the summer, promptly at sundown. Bring a blanket, chair and a few snacks for an evening of free entertainment. A complete list of the movies being shown over the summer can be found on the Downtown Sioux Falls website.