Zere, Robinson and Peters to be 2017-2018 NHS Chapter Officers

Past and current NHS officers stand in front of the new NHS inductees at the NHS ceremony on May 24.
May 24, 2017
As the end of the year nears, many clubs and student organizations are drawing to a close for the 2016-2017 year. However, they are also already preparing for next year. National Honor Society is doing this by accepting new members and electing new officers.
Last night, 90 juniors and eight seniors were inducted into National Honor Society, 73 seniors were given their cords and the elected officers were announced. The elected president, vice president and secretary are Sharon Zere, Eliza Peters and Anna Robinson, respectively. They went through a process of first applying and being accepted into National Honor Society, then applying to run and finally, campaigning to the 90 junior members in order to run for each position.
“You have to sign up to run for a position,” said Robinson. “Then, it’s your choice on whether you want to make a little post on the NHS [google] classroom to make yourself recognizable to your peers.”
All the students who join National Honor Society are inducted in because of their exemplary leadership, scholarship, responsibility and service. However, the three new officers not only exemplify the four pillars of NHS but also have many more qualities which were the reason for their elections.
“I think I was elected for secretary because I feel that everyone knows I am insanely organized and meticulous, so they knew I would do well in that position,” said Robinson. “I also think most people find me approachable, which I think is a quality that one would want in a leader.”
Zere, Robinson and Peters are sure to carry on these qualities as they take their leadership roles. They will also maintain the same responsibilities as the previous officers, Daniel Gertner, Sofia Haan and Mandy Neff. These responsibilities will include managing and maintaining the Society and planning events.
“My duty as NHS president is to search for different volunteering events for NHS to volunteer at and to host the monthly meetings,” said Zere.
Peters’ jobs is very similar to that of Zere.
“I plan to assist in organizing volunteer opportunities [for the members],” said Peters.
However, Robinson has responsibilities much different than Peters and Zere.
“My job description is keeping track of attendance at meetings, and at the end of each semester, I total everyone’s service hours, making sure they meet the requirements,” said Robinson.
Although Zere, Robinson and Peters have a lot to live up to and much responsibility in their new positions, each officer is well-prepared to do their part in the upcoming year.
“I’m super excited to serve on the NHS council for next year and excited to work with all my peers and the other council members,” said Robinson.