A formal proposal


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Chloe Crissman, Staff Writer

Formal is a magical time of year full of cheesy, adorable proposals. Gentlemen/gentlewomen, it is time to show the world that chivalry is not dead.

Have no fear with seven easy steps, asking someone to formal will no longer be a terrifying feat:

  • Do not be too cliche ( ex. “Out of all the fish in the sea, will you please go to formal with me.” Trust me the fish will be dead in a week).
  • Make it a game ( ex. A scavenger hunt where the askee has to find the person asking).
  • Include the lucky gal/guys favorite things.
  • Please, please, please be as punny as you can. There is no such thing as too many puns.
  • Make sure the person you want to ask is not already going with someone. Ask around to prevent a possibly awkward situation.
  • Make it spontaneous. As much as people claim they hate surprises, no one is going to be upset when getting asked to formal if they are pleasantly shocked by a sign and a little present.
  • Oh yeah, do not forget a present. Nothing too extravagant, just a lil’ “somethin’ somethin’” like candy or a little stuffed animal.
  • Take a picture together with the sign. (Don’t be awkward. Put your arm around the other person, freshmen)

Above all, do not sweat it when it comes to asking someone to formal. Formal can be one of the greatest experiences of high school and if you put too much thought into planning it you could often find yourself stressed. Relax, and just pop the question.