Stay sneaky on Snapchat


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Chloe Crissman, Staff Writer


On Tues., November 7th, rumors began circulating via the terrific app known as Twitter, that Snapchat’s old feature of the “Best Friend’s List” would be coming back.

This rumor sparked both hope and fear in the hearts of frequent Snapchatters. Now people would be able to see who you have been “snapping” on the daily. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? For most, no issue was found, but you could still find people on Twitter dreading this legendary comeback.

Those whose hearts dropped at the thought of the implications following the return of the “Best Friend’s List” have no reason to fear. It was merely, as the Statesmen members are quite tired of hearing, fake news. Along with the gossip of the “BFL”, circulating around the internet is also talk of Snapchat shutting down by the end of 2017 (an obvious myth).

However there is one major thing you should keep in mind when trying to be sneaky on Snap: yes, you can see when someone screen records your story or messages. The new screen recording feature comes with the download of iOS 11. It allows the user to record their screen as they use and swipe through different apps. Thus the brilliant idea of screen recording someone’s story and privately sent messages came to mind. That way the owner of the story would not receive a notification of you screenshotting their story or conversation.

Alas, it was a genius idea with nothing to come of it because you will receive a notification if someone is recording your snaps.