Who do you think you are?

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November 9, 2017
The four years we are in high school are the times where many of us come into our own. There are times of growth, learning and plenty of mistakes. But wouldn’t it be nice to skip the mistakes and see what your personality is right now?
Luckily, there is a test for that. The Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) was created in the 1920s by mother and daughter, Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. It is based off of a theory by Carl Jung that humans can be grouped by four major functions. Specifically, their style of sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking.
INTJ? ENFP? Many of us have seen their work without knowing it. The simple, four-letter naming model represents our traits as they fall in the four functions. Extroverted or introverted? Sensing or intuition? Thinking or feeling? And finally, judging or perceiving? These characteristics help to classify the person into one of the 16 personality types with some freakish accuracy.
These 16 types range from outgoing to reserved, logical to emotional or organized to improvisational. The profiles can teach someone new things about themselves, tell their strengths and weaknesses and even suggest suitable career paths. While we might think this is the perfect guide for the rest of our lives, it is important to remember that our personalities are always evolving, meaning your type could change within the next few years, months or weeks.
We each have unique qualities that bind us together, teaching us different ways to tackle the world around us. MBTI probably will not ring 100 percent true, but it will teach us something we did not know about ourselves. Whether we use the test as a way to figure out who we are or simply to waste time, it is a great reminder that every one of the 16 types is important to the diversity and balance of life.
The test is available here: https://www.16personalities.com/