Semester tests do what exactly?


Brita Quello, Staff Writer

As this last semester just came to an end, I reflected and wondered if the hassle is all worth it. Semester tests are a reflection of what we have all learned throughout the semester, right?

LHS students work hard throughout the year to achieve and uphold their grades to the level that they desire. When semester tests roll around, we are expected to test over everything we learned, but didn’t we already do that? Through the whole semester, before finals, we are tested over the material we learned, so why do it again? During finals week, we are at a loss of sleep and a gain of stress. This extra, unnecessary stress is not needed.

Deciding to get rid of finals is not such a crazy idea. Harrisburg High School is close to Sioux Falls; their online students do not take finals. If some policy was to be applied, like if you have less than a predetermined amount of a unexcused absences, you should be free from finals and the added stress. This policy would prove that you so show up to school when it is needed and that you put in the work necessary.

“I go to Harrisburg High school and I am taking some online courses, where we do not have to take finals,” said Harrisburg sophomore, Emily Olson. “It is such a relief and it almost makes us work harder throughout the whole semester because we know we do not have a final determining factor that could change our grade at the end of the semester. No semester finals are so nice.”

With this idea in mind, hopefully we can get rid of the unnecessary testing days and replace them with regular school days.