A match made in heaven


The new NHS adviser, Shawn Bogart.

Jenna Becker, Staff Writer

LHS’s chapter of the National Honor Society welcomed more than just new student members in the 2018 school year, they also introduced a new adviser: Shawn Bogart.

After many years of service, former adviser Sue Bull decided to switch her focus to lead English NHS. This opened the door for others to apply to take her old position. Some, like Bogart, were worried about filling the role of such a memorable adviser.

“[I was] nervous because there’s a lot of responsibility, and a lot of things to manage and organize,” said Bogart. “Taking over from Mrs. Bull, there was a certain degree of prestige that went along with her time. She built it up pretty well, so there’s the nervousness of ‘Man, I don’t wanna let her down or let the students down.”

Luckily, Bull assured Bogart that he was a great candidate for the job, and helped him through the entire application process. His nerves about the application faded, and he began to see the position as a welcomed challenge.

“I thought ‘Hey, I could do that. It’s time for me to take on some more responsibility.’ They’re good kids, and I like working with them,’” said Bogart.

Though Bogart still felt the pressure of keeping up the high standards of the organization, he was able to keep on with the help of Bull who imparted her wisdom from her years on the job.

“Mrs. Bull has been along for the ride 100 percent,” said Bogart. “[She has been] helping me every step of the way, explaining things, answering questions, reminding me of things, keeping me on schedule.”

This guidance has helped Bogart navigate his first year of running the school’s chapter, though in the next year, he hopes to gain more independence.

“Personally my goal moving forward is just independence and just more independence with the officers,” said Bogart. “Running things smoothly and figuring it out better, and hopefully not being as freaked out by everything.”

Bogart made the first strides in this goal during the induction ceremony for new NHS members, adding in his signature blunt humor as he cracked jokes to the crowd and honored the students. The smooth run of the ceremony, and his jokes, proved to Bogart that he could hold his own in his duties.

“[The ceremony] was big, ya know, cause it’s been weighing on my mind for a long time, and it’s very public, and there is a lot that is put into place,” said Bogart. “It was classy and it went smoothly, and there wasn’t much in the way.”

Still, Bogart hopes to improve in the coming year, but has words of advice for the future members.

“Start logging for community service,” said Bogart. “It’s one of the four main pillars of NHS and If you don’t have it , or it’s weak, it’s tough to justify to the council why you should get in.”