Senior send-off brings back memories
The senior party was full of activities that seniors could enjoy from 9p.m. to 4a.m. such as ultraviolet light dodgeball.
June 7, 2018
At 9 p.m. on Sunday night, a group of LHS seniors gathered for their annual senior party at LHS. In celebration of their graduation.
The graduates walked through the same doors they walked through on the first day of their freshman year, the newly graduated seniors were greeted with an LHS ready to party. The party was crazy, and a great way to send off LHS spectacular seniors. Decorations covered the foyer, floor to ceiling; the theme, “Wherever you roam, 605 is home,” permeated the halls. The party began at 9 p.m. and lasted until 4 a.m. Still, the energy never waned. There were all sorts of crazy activities.
“There was dodgeball with ultraviolet light,” said graduate Ridge Barr. “So much fun. I colored my face and wrist. I was a glowing, man!”
But it was not just the seniors who were enjoying themselves. There were also parents celebrating their children’s accomplishments.
“It is important to have a fun and safe celebration for the graduates,” said Jennifer Andrisen. “I enjoy seeing everyone having fun and celebrating their accomplishments. The parents have worked very hard to make this a success and I hope the kids are as excited as we are,”
Other students enjoyed the party for the memories and chance to look back.
“I love the senior class party because It’s like a last hoorah with all my friends,” said graduate Liberty Justus. “This school is full of so much kindness and friendship and I just want to bond with everyone, make some memories.”