Student Council members: follow up
Student Council members give their opinions on different LHS issues.
March 14, 2019
On Feb. 21, 12 members were elected into leadership positions on the LHS Student Council. After the election, the Statesman called back the newly elected leaders to seek their opinions on the LHS issues of today. The five freshmen, three sophomores and three juniors were called to stand on a central line and after being read a statement, placed themselves accordingly based on their personal views. These are their reactions.
Student Council does enough fundraising.
This was by far the most divided issue on the table, with four of the five freshmen disagreeing with the statement. On the other side, one freshman as well as all six of the upperclassmen agreed.
“They do a lot around the school with fundraisers like the crush can sales and other things, which I feel like is really able to put a lot of money towards the school,” said freshman Charlie Mickelson.
Even though there was much expressed in line with the idea that there is enough fundraising done already, some members still feel more school sponsored activities could bring in more revenue for the school, which could better the overall experience at LHS.
“We do events like the Slam-a-thon, volleyball and basketball tournaments. So maybe doing more events like those, since those are always fun,” said sophomore Grant Graber.
At LHS, everyone’s opinion is being heard.
With so many controversial issues that students are faced with in society today, the results were divided by having all freshmen in consensus of disagreement while the upperclassmen waivered a bit more. Three agreed while two were undecided and one disagreed.
“There could be more ways to reach out to people and make sure that they’re being heard,” said freshman Reese Decker. “I think that there’s always room for improvement.”
The students then suggested ways of moving forward as a student council and being able to reach out and connect more with the student body.
“I think that there’s a lot more polls that could be sent out,” said freshman Gage Gohl. “I know in Ad-Room maybe once or twice a quarter there’s something that’s set to reach out and take a poll on some topic, but maybe doing that more on a weekly basis could help.”
On the other hand, it was also voiced that there is not much more to do as far as student council goes to help the students voice their opinions. They recognize that eventually leadership has to step out of the issue and leave it up to the students themselves.
“Usually when people speak up, usually someone listens to them,” said Graber. “But if they don’t speak then it’s not very easy for us to hear their voice, even though some might have things like peer pressure and other things.”

Students at LHS take pride in their school.
With events like the State basketball tournament and other school sponsored activities that occur every day, there comes the question of how committed the student body is. With all upperclassmen agreeing, and four out of the five freshmen also in favor, the common opinion seems to be that students are not afraid to show their Patriot pride.
“Most of the time when you go to games there’s a bunch of people there,” said junior Alex Oppold. “You can just tell that there’s a lot of school pride and school spirit there.”
In contrast, freshman Carter Ericson disagreed with the statement, thinking in the general terms of how much motivation people have to come to school in the first place.
“It doesn’t really matter what school it is, but I think that Lincoln could do better on being able to change the mindset of kids and give them more motivation to come to school,” said Ericson.
Even though the members recognize that many students face these situations, they hope to do the best they can moving forward as a student council to make the LHS experience better for everyone involved.
“It just comes down to making things that appeal to every different person,” said freshman Sofia Hein.