Applying for college

Maybe I’m not the only one who has had a bit of a struggle with the whole process of applying to college…
November 4, 2019
Trying to figure out where to go to college can be one of the hardest decisions a high schooler has to make. During senior year, all anyone wants to focus on is having fun and enjoying high school for one last year. But in the back of everyone’s head, they know that graduation is just around the corner, and they will have to decide on where they will be spending their next four years.
I, personally, have yet to make that decision, and have just been working on narrowing down my choices. Do I stay close to home? Do I go venture out to the coast? What major am I even going to pick? How will I afford to pay for it all? Deciding on what is most important when picking a college is also a factor. Should I go somewhere that puts an emphasis on sports or instead of a place that is way more focused on academics? It is all very overwhelming at times and is something that I would like to just avoid for as long as I possibly can.
I set out to see what one of my fellow seniors has also been thinking about the process.
Chase Helland:
“My college application process has been pretty pain-free, other than the repetitiveness. Filling out the same information over and over again was daunting. Then, I discovered the Common App. But looking for a college was also difficult. What I’m looking for in a college is mainly the education, but I’ve noticed that a good education is pretty common. The second most important thing I’m looking for is a good atmosphere. I like sports and I like it when the community is together to cheer on one team. The third most important part was the distance from home. I looked for schools that were a manageable drive from home and I also looked for schools that were only one plane ride away so it would always be easy to get home if I needed. With all of this being said, I decided that UNL and Baylor were my top choices.”
So, maybe I’m not the only one who has had a bit of a struggle with the whole process of applying to college. Maybe everyone has been having trouble deciding on which college is going to be the best fit for them. This is a hard decision for every college-bound student to make and is one that will impact them for the rest of their lives, no matter where one might decide to go.
Here is a list of three tips to simplify your application process:
- Do your research. Don’t apply for a college before you know some basic information about the campus, academics, atmosphere, etc. Check the college’s website and look up reviews to see what others have thought about the college and how well students have performed at the school.
- Be vocal. Talk to your parents and teachers about it since they have all been there before and have had to make those same decisions as you. If your parents and teachers do not have much information to give, your school counselor is going to be able to provide a plethora of information on just about any college you might be wondering about.
- Take a visit. Why not go and see the campus in person before you apply and potentially attend the school? You will never get the full experience of being on campus until you physically go there, and the atmosphere of the school is one of the most important things to take into account when deciding on a college.