We NEED sports back
Sports fans are losing their sanity without live sports during quarantine.
Photo provided by Charly W. Carl
Many sporting events in 2020 have been cancelled because of COVID-19.
May 12, 2020
On May 10, it marked the longest drought in sports history since 1918: 60 days. The world has been wondering when sports are going to make a comeback, the question is whether it will be with fans or if it will come back at all.
COVID-19 has had a widespread effect on the sports world. Over the past 60 days, there has been no NBA, MLB, NHL or NFL games played. Some of sports’ most prized games and events have been canceled and have not been rescheduled for the foreseeable future. The Olympics are a highly anticipated event throughout the entire world, but that was pushed back to 2021 because of the ongoing pandemic. Sports fans all over are being affected by this horrid virus. From the Master’s tournament being canceled to the NBA playoffs not being played, we all just want this to end so we can have sports back. For some, this has been the longest 60 days of their lives, being isolated in their homes and not allowed to leave, and of course, not being able to watch or play sports.
Without having live sports, ESPN has seen a major decrease in viewership, according to sportspromedia.com. Viewership is down and so are a lot of people’s spirits. Sports are what got some people through the day, knowing they can go to work and come back home to watch some sports on their couch. But now fans get done with their work at home and have nothing to do. When will this madness end so we can finally have our sports back?
Sports fans, it is looking promising as there are talks of the MLB coming back in June and talks of the NBA playoffs being held with no fans. I know that it won’t be the same as it was before, but it is a start. We never know officially when we will have sports again, but we can all hope that it is in our near future, and that’s all we can ask for at this time. Until then we are going to have to keep struggling through these days and always look at the bright side. One day, we will have sports back, and hopefully soon because WE NEED SPORTS BACK.