Student Council: methods of modification
Student Council candidates hung up their posters last week, and these posters will stay up until the WIN time elections on Friday, Feb. 12.
February 9, 2021
If you have walked the halls of LHS within the past few days, you have surely noticed the myriad new posters for the Student Council.
Dotting the prominent areas of the school, these posters call to attention the plethora of candidates from the classes of 2022, 2023 and 2024 running to enhance various school activities. Yet Student Council itself could be changed in a multitude of ways, each of which has the potential to enhance the group for all.
One way to adjust the structure of the Student Council regards tenure. Currently, members serve from just after their election to the point of graduation. That leads to many members serving for several years without having to be reelected each time. Some students, including those presently on the Student Council, are open to the idea of members serving for one year and having to run again to maintain their seats.
“I think it would be more fair if we had to re-run every year,” said LHS sophomore and Student Council member Zachary Wrightsman. “Someone in high school can change a lot within four years.”
However, it is really a matter of perspective; those currently on the Student Council are able to see the benefits of the status quo system of tenure from a unique position.
“If I wasn’t on Student Council right now, I bet I’d prefer re-running each year, but it’s easier for keeping stuff consistent to have a three or four year term,” said Wrightsman.
There are a few exceptions to the indefinite tenure rule. For instance, members who are consistently late to the Monday morning meetings without valid reasoning or have a disciplinary infraction can lose their position.
Meanwhile, those striving to gain a position must follow more rules than normal this year. Campaigners cannot hand anything out (such as buttons, candy, stamps, etc.). This change is likely to stay given the potential for quid pro quos getting out of hand.
“I like the new system; it’s more fair that way,” said Wrightsman.
In accordance with the ‘no hand-outs’ rule are strict rules governing posters. The four allowed locations are across from the administration doors, by the little theater, down the music hallway and along the glass staircase. Posters are also not allowed to exceed 12 by 18 inches, and they must contain campaign slogans that are “tasteful.”
However, some students disagree with these new rules, among them LHS junior and Student Council candidate Jackson Paslay.
“I think we should be allowed to put them in more places,” said Paslay. “They shouldn’t be ginormous, but at the same time we’re really limited and it makes it more of a competition.”
Of course, posters are not exclusively meant to be in their physical form; campaigning with posters on social media is also allowed, as long as they are reasonable and not offensive.
Paslay still finds these rules frivolous.
“I think the Student Council does not deserve the power whatsoever to monitor my social media,” said Paslay. “It’s a massive overstep for schools to patrol this.”
Meanwhile, Wrightsman disagrees.
“It’s just there so that DuBois can see if you’re doing anything inappropriate and if it should be taken down,” said Wrightsman.
Overall, there are many changes that could be made to the Student Council, each of which has its own supporters and opponents. It really seems to be, more than anything, a matter of perspective.
Election Day is Friday, Feb. 12 during WIN time; be sure to vote for your preferred candidate (s).